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Effective teacher-parent collaboration has undoubtedly been found to be beneficial for a child’s wellbeing and academic performance with relevant research recently highlighting two distinct approaches to home-school partnerships associated with specific parent behaviours each (Epstein, 2001). Below we will attempt to shed light on the differences between ‘parent involvement’ and ‘parent engagement’ in an effort to help schools make more informed decisions on what really matters when it comes to promoting successful collaboration with parents.
On the one hand, research highlights the importance of ‘parent involvement’ activities, including parents volunteering in school events, attending parent-teacher conferences, helping their children with homework or reading to them (Baker, 2016). In this context, parents are present in the school life by performing certain activities, which are pre-defined and implemented by school staff.
On the other hand, Ferlazzo (2011) explores the concept of ‘parental engagement’ whereby parents become partners with the school shaping their child's learning journey by communicating their thoughts and voicing their worries.
Real parent engagement takes place when schools work together with families to set goals and develop strategies to address a child's needs; it happens when schools actively listen to parents bringing their unique insights into their child’s experiences outside school, their culture or their preferences. If parental engagement goes deeper by encouraging a more meaningful relationship between schools and parents that is based on trust and respect (Redding et.al., 2004), rather than mere participation in school-led activities, then schools may need to reflect on:
To conclude, whilst both parent involvement and engagement are necessary for a child’s progress, engagement tends to lead to a stronger bond between parents and schools, which is highly associated with students' better academic performance, and personal and emotional well-being.
Baker, T.L., et.al. (2016). ‘’Identifying Barriers: Creating Solutions to Improve Family Engagement’’. School Community Journal, 26(2), 161-184 Available here
Epstein, J. (2001). School, Family and Community Partnerships: Preparing Educators and Improving Schools. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Ferlazzo, L. (2011). Involvement or Engagement? Educational Leadership, 68(8), 10–14.
Redding, S., Langdon, J., Meyer, J., & Sheley, P. (2004). The effects of comprehensive parent engagement on student learning outcomes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Family Research Project.
How can the new-to-English language learners and their teachers work together to provide a successful language learning experience when curriculum content is the priority? Rubin & Thompson (1982) researched and found 14 characteristics of a good language learner.
If each characteristic of a good language learner can be developed for young learners into a ‘child friendly’ question, translated into their mother tongue (maybe orally) and unpicked, question by question, each characteristic can act as a guide for learners to try out new strategies.
We all know that there can be resistance to writing in the EAL classroom. To break this barrier, we need to consider the reasons for this, which are often due to a lack of scaffolding and under-confident learners. Working through a process of reading a model text, deconstructing it and then reconstructing your own text by following a scaffold, leads to more satisfactory outcomes.
Feedback is the buzz-word and, as with most things, it is not being reinvented, but constantly readapted. In recent years, we see more formal national approach. One can become overwhelmed with the copious elements that need to be considered when feeding back to learners.