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A frame for comparing a learner's home language with English. It can be used in order to incorporate the use of the home language within the classroom or to promote bilingualism.
A fun game to help you get to know your learners. This game is suitable for intermediate learners and above (for a game more tailored to beginners, please see our Vocabulary game resource).

A lovely resource which encourages your learners to explore an interesting image and create and discuss their own.

A useful list of activity ideas you and your learners' families can take part in to foster cultural identity.
A list of ideas for listening activities that you can use with your learners.
The 10 steps outlined in the downloadable resource have proven to be effective best practices in EAL teaching and can serve as valuable guidance to help you feel prepared for the start of the next academic year.

A comprehensive guide to teaching your EAL learners vocabulary, with activities.

Scaffolded flashcards to lead learners in steps from speaking and listening to writing. Topic: Adjectives
Scaffolded flashcards to lead learners in steps from speaking and listening to writing. Topic: Adverbs
A useful planning template for Artificial Intelligence (AI) lesson planning prompts .
A printable resource about April Fools' Day and fictional news stories that includes resources for speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Scaffolded flashcards to lead learners in steps from speaking and listening to writing. Topic: Basic verbs

A useful resource to use with your new arrivals to talk about different birthday customs around the world. Includes speaking, listening, reading and writing activities.

Let your learners build friendships with this snakes and ladders variation!
A great resource about female role models and their characteristics. Includes speaking, listening, reading and writing activities. Great for International Women's Day.
An incredible, in depth resource celebrating cultural diversity, with activities for speaking, listening, reading and writing.
A resource all about Christmas customs around the world. Includes resources for speaking, listening, reading and writing.
A resource all about Christmas. Includes resources for speaking, listening, reading and writing.
Scaffolded flashcards to lead learners in steps from speaking and listening to writing. Topic: Classroom instructions
Instructions and resources for a collaborative role-play activity with EAL learners in class.