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A frame for comparing a learner's home language with English. It can be used in order to incorporate the use of the home language within the classroom or to promote bilingualism.
A fun activity to introduce new arrivals or to start the school year. It can be used throughout the year to scaffold learning.
A useful list of activity ideas you and your learners' families can take part in to foster cultural identity.
The 10 steps outlined in the downloadable resource have proven to be effective best practices in EAL teaching and can serve as valuable guidance to help you feel prepared for the start of the next academic year.
Scaffolded flashcards to lead learners in steps from speaking and listening to writing. Topic: Adjectives
Scaffolded flashcards to lead learners in steps from speaking and listening to writing. Topic: Adverbs
Practical strategies to help you to promote the use of mother tongue in your classroom.
This resource includes a class language survey that can be used with your learners to gather information about the languages spoken in their class and how they are used with different people.
A set of printable empathy cards with various reflection questions about language learning and transitional experiences. Works well for learners to get to know each other at the start of the school year, to reflect about experiences or to celebrate international mother tongue day.
Scaffolded flashcards to lead learners in steps from speaking and listening to writing. Topic: Feelings
This game introduces children, in a fun way, to a variety of languages.
A wonderful array of activity ideas to celebrate International Mother Language Day with your learners, by special guest author Mary Langford.
Scaffolded flashcards and activities to lead learners in steps from speaking and listening to writing. Topic: Learning to learn
Key questions that parents can ask their children in their home language to aid learning.
A guide for reflecting your teaching practice to help you embed translanguaging, including example actions.
A useful template to complete a school language profile.
An image-based vocabulary booklet for teaching some key maths vocabulary.
Survival language helpers designed for primary learners that help them understand the language of making friends and classroom instructions.
Survival language helpers designed for secondary learners that help them understand the language of making friends and classroom instructions.

A useful set of downloadable templates to help your EAL learners.