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We all learn in different ways. Helping your students to identify what works best for them is really important. Do they prefer visual aids, make links with existing learning or use movement and actions to help them remember things? Identifying their own personal preferences and effective practices will benefit lifelong learning and help your students to succeed.

Tip or Idea: Talk to your learners about different ways of learning. Discuss how you like to learn as an adult and encourage them to reflect on their own learning, what they enjoy and what they think helps them most. You might even like to demonstrate different approaches to a simple learning task and see how they respond.

Free resource to help you with this activity: Explore our Learning to Learn resource. Our Doing the Learning flashcards can help to scaffold conversations about different learning strategies. The Planning to Learn resources can be used as prompts and reminders for successful learning approaches in class.

Further learning - Blog

Created: Mon 21st Apr 2014

In schools where English is the language of instruction we welcome new arrivals with limited English and, step by step, they become skilled in speaking English. These young learners have a gift, the gift of bilingualism. A skill that has a profound effect on their lives. This skills may affect their identity, the way they are educated, their employment, the friends they keep, marriage, where they choose to live, travel and how they think. The consequences are significant.

Old photo of women working
Created: Mon 10th Feb 2025

March is Women's History Month, an opportunity to study the often overlooked contributions of women throughout history. However, Women’s History Month should be about more than just studying famous women. It provides an opportunity to refine our understanding of history so that it includes women in every aspect of accounts of past lives. Women’s History Month is an opportunity to challenge traditional narratives and really explore women’s contributions to the world.

Created: Thu 4th Jun 2020

Effective assessment for learning (AfL) is ‘informed feedback to pupils about their work’ (Shaw, 1998). As Broadfoot et al (1999) discuss, there are five key ways in which we can enhance learning by assessment. These steps can be universally applied to all learning and all learners, and thus address the learning needs of EAL learners in physical and virtual classrooms. They are: