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Learners, with or without EAL, may have special educational needs. These needs often require a range of carefully selected strategies and approaches to help learners reach their full potential.

Tip or Idea: Take time to observe your learners, to help distinguish between needs arising from English as an Additional Language (EAL) and those stemming from specific educational needs (SEND). Careful and systematic observation helps teachers to make informed decisions to support learners effectively. This guidance from the Bell Foundation provides a helpful framework.

Learning Village resource: Our range of SEND guides include useful information about different learner needs, as well as adjustments you can make both in the Learning Village and to your teaching practice to support them. Take a look at our summarised Autism guide. Members can access the full set of comprehensive guides here.

Further learning - Blog

New EAL teacher with EAL learners
Created: Thu 12th Dec 2024

You might be an experienced teacher, new to teaching, or support staff, but you have never taught any EAL learners before. You are in for an exciting journey! You may initially feel overwhelmed and frustrated by the barriers to communication with your new learners, but you will soon find that your lessons have potential to be creative, interactive and a heap of fun! 

Created: Wed 25th Oct 2023

Student silence 

Pupils speaking
Created: Fri 1st Jan 2021

Teaching in a way that is responsive to the diversity in our classrooms has a huge impact on the learning outcomes of English language learners. Strong school-family relationships, culturally responsive classrooms, and the deliberate use of effective teaching strategies can help English language learners to succeed at school.