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Every learner is unique! This includes your SEND learners. Sometimes you need to create a bespoke resource to support their individual needs.

Tip or Idea: Using multimodal resources can provide a multi-layered approach to learning, removing barriers for learners and creating a fun, engaging learning environment.

Free resource to help you with this activity: Have you seen our resource ‘10 top tips for using a multimodal approach in the classroom’? It might just spark a new idea for engaging and supporting your SEND and/or EAL learners.

Further learning - Blog

Behaviour assessment using smiley flashcards
Created: Wed 15th Jun 2022

Getting behaviour 'right' is crucially important for all schools. Ensuring that we have a 'fit for purpose' behaviour policy that caters for all pupils throughout their schooling - including EAL pupils - is vital for the feel and culture of our schools, as well as for allowing pupils to feel safe and be in the right environment to learn to their full potential.

Bilingual world
Created: Sun 15th Apr 2018

The popularity of bilingual schools is increasing. This can be seen, for example, in the growing number of French schools in London, where the students follow a bilingual programme.

In many countries there is an emphasis on learning two languages (The Linguist, 2017). In Scotland in 2011 the government pledged to follow the European model of 1+2 languages. Every child would learn two languages in addition to their mother tongue, to celebrate linguistic and cultural diversity and thus facilitate the inclusion of other languages within the school.

Created: Tue 2nd Feb 2016

11 fantastic resources to promote elements of international mindedness...