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Alongside our hub schools, many other schools have taken part in the development of the Learning Village through assessing the impact on learners, piloting various features and collaborating on requirements. The following documents provides some useful insights on the impact of the Learning Village on member schools.

The Learning Village team would like to thank all the hub schools for their ongoing efforts and contribution to the growing community of Learning Village schools.

Laura Haines

EAL Coordinator, International School of Milan, Italy

I see the children relaxed and happy when they are on the Learning Village. I can see that they are proud of their progress and feel a sense of achievement which they can share with others. I think that there are a lot of good EAL ‘games’ available but this is a comprehensive programme that can be integrated into any curriculum.

Ellen Copsey

Assistant Head Teacher, Willow Bank Primary, UK

A really fantastic resource. We can't wait to start using it with our pupils.

Keith Shurlock

Principal, Grace International School, Bangladesh

It is a delight to see a resource that has grown out of good practice in schools.

Hanneke Blijham

EAL Teacher, Groningse Schoolvereniging, Netherlands

Thank you so much for this inspiring workshop. I was enthusiastic about it when first trying it but even more so after today!