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Reading opens up endless possibilities for learning, growth and development. However, for some learners, including those with SEND, barriers can make reading more challenging. Fortunately, by employing a range of strategies tailored to each learner's individual needs, you can support reading developing for all.

Tip or Idea: Empower learners to choose reading material that interests and engages them. Graphic novels can be a strong motivator for even the most reluctant readers. Combining visuals with text helps make reading more accessible and enjoyable.

Use our Reading: Pupil Voice document as a written activity or a guide for a verbal discussion. The template is aimed at helping you to understand the individual needs and preferences of your students to enhance their reading experiences.

Further learning - Blog

Man handstand
Created: Tue 18th Aug 2020

As educators, we are naturally reflective creatures, habitually revisiting lessons in our minds to see if we could somehow improve. Could the outcomes have been better? Were the discussions rich and high in quality? Was the balance of activities right to get the best possible language learning progression? Here, we will explore how to get the right balance in lessons, as well as suggesting activities. 

Created: Wed 31st Jul 2024

Did you know Learning Village supports a wide range of curriculum topics? This allows you to support your SEND learners within the main class environment by offering scaffolded resources. 

Tip or Idea: Pre-teaching curriculum-specific vocabulary before a whole class session can help your SEND learners feel more confident and enable them to access class learning more easily. 

EAL and language learning mindmap
Created: Mon 16th Aug 2021

You're the EAL lead in your school - or a teacher with responsibility for EAL. You're a class teacher who's been asked to look into EAL - or a teaching assistant who runs a special EAL group. But do your colleagues really know what you do? Do they know what EAL is - and why it matters for all staff in a school, and not just you?