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August is the time to take that well-deserved break from school, colleagues, and learners, and to rest, have fun, and hopefully enjoy some much-needed sunshine. Without a doubt, summer is when many teachers around the world recharge their batteries before the craziness and delight of the new academic year start all over again.

If you are like me, then you will also be using this time to reflect on what went well, what could be improved, and to start planning ahead for those new EAL and multilingual arrivals who will be joining your school and your class along with the rest of the new cohort.

EAL and multilingual learners contribute immensely to the richness and diversity of the classroom environment, but they also face unique challenges and need tailored support and resources as well as careful planning and preparation.

In a previous school where I was a Head of EAL, we really tried to plan and prepare as a team as much as we could in advance of the EAL learners starting in our school.

Of course, it takes time, effort, and dedication to set up everything to be ready for the new EAL arrivals beforehand; meeting the parents, liaising with colleagues and other agencies (if necessary), and creating scaffolded resources and visuals. However, it is so rewarding when you see their faces light up and their eyes twinkle because they finally feel like they belong in your class, in the school, and in the community. They feel welcome, safe, and ready to learn and overcome those language barriers. Just be patient, and you will see!

The outlined 10 steps in this downloadable resource have really worked as best practice in my experience as an EAL teacher and Head of EAL and can be used as guidance to help you feel prepared for the start of the next academic year.

Further learning - Blog

An EAL teacher holding up letter cards to a learner
Created: Wed 31st May 2023

What is the role of an EAL teacher?

An EAL teacher is a professional specialising in working with learners for whom English is an additional language, such as refugees, asylum seekers or children of migrant families.

Lea Forest logo
Created: Mon 18th Nov 2019

In September 2015, Lea Forest Academy took on an additional class of 16 Year 2 newly arrived EAL children. Eight of these children had never been schooled, while eight had had some schooling experience in their home country. The school had no specific EAL provision in place or trained staff.

What did they do?
Where did they start?

Created: Sat 30th May 2015

In previous articles we discussed the need for learners to obtain Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS). These skills need to be the initial focus of learning alongside curriculum content in the early days. Class teachers are required to make significant adjustments to their programme of learning which is not an easy task, especially for those teachers who are new to teaching foreign languages.