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For some learners, including those with SEND, the thought of a writing lesson can be daunting and unappealing. However, by finding creative ways to engage and 'hook' your learners, they will be more likely to feel motivated and engaged.

Tip or Idea: Start your lessons in an unusual or exciting way! Set up a scene or have props that give clues to a character or event, play an engaging video or audio clip or perhaps transform your classroom into a courtroom for a debate...

Our Hook in your EAL learners at the start of a writing lesson article is full of ideas for different ways to engage your learners in a range of writing tasks and comes with a helpful writing resource.

Further learning - Blog

SEND learners reading
Created: Fri 31st Jan 2025

Reading opens up endless possibilities for learning, growth and development. However, for some learners, including those with SEND, barriers can make reading more challenging. Fortunately, by employing a range of strategies tailored to each learner's individual needs, you can support reading developing for all.

Tip or Idea: Empower learners to choose reading material that interests and engages them. Graphic novels can be a strong motivator for even the most reluctant readers. Combining visuals with text helps make reading more accessible and enjoyable.

film roll
Created: Fri 12th Jul 2019

When considering the Chinese language, the Chinese proverb ‘a picture paints a thousand words’ is apposite. Chinese is a complex language of symbols, strokes and pictures, where each picture can mean several words.

Images are a universal language and their power in the classroom shouldn't be underestimated. In this article we look at:

An EAL teacher holding up letter cards to a learner
Created: Wed 31st May 2023

What is the role of an EAL teacher?

An EAL teacher is a professional specialising in working with learners for whom English is an additional language, such as refugees, asylum seekers or children of migrant families.