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Fostering each learner's cultural identity, what can you suggest to parents? There is more awareness now than ever before on fostering an understanding of migration, refugees, general diversity and mother languages. There is rightly a tremendous sense of pride from parents over their own culture, which is often enhanced due to their distance from home.

Schools are often hubs of support for multicultural families and have multiple ways to foster learners' identities, languages and cultures within the school community, e.g. International Migrants Day, Refugee Week or Mother Language Day. However, what ideas can be provided for families to support this kind of awareness at home? Share a message about the importance of spending some time helping their child learn more about their cultural identity. For example, you can use the attached resource to support engagement in identity reinforcement.

Further learning - Blog

SEND learner describing with adjectives
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Learners in the classroom
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‘Stories and storytelling are fundamental to the human experience.’ Nunan (2012).