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Miranda Howell

Learning Village Virtual School Teacher

Using the Learning Village for teaching virtually is an effective way of engaging learners, even if they have minimum English language knowledge. In my experience with young children, they participate enthusiastically in the online games and are swift to learn new vocabulary, using a structured approach. The wide range of resources available provide lots of options. It is easy to set them consolidation homework and monitor their progress too. Having everything available on one platform makes for easy teaching and learning.

Welcome to Across Cultures Virtual Schools!

Our Virtual Schools are led by experienced and qualified teachers, employed by Across Cultures. The schools consist of groups of learners aged from 6 years to adults, who are taught remotely.

Virtual Schools are particularly suitable for non-school settings with significant numbers of EAL learners.

What happens in a Virtual School?

  • Learners are grouped into appropriate ‘classes’, based on age and experience.
  • Our experienced teachers teach learners remotely, through live lessons.
  • Our teachers use the Learning Village blended EAL programme. To find out all about this award-winning programme, click here.
  • Learners continue using the programme outside class, on devices such as mobile phones.

What’s on the programme?

Across Cultures teachers teach live lessons through the Learning Village. The Learning Village:

  • is image-based, making it suitable for learners of any language background and level of literacy
  • offers over 2,000 lessons, teaching 20,000+ words and phrases
  • covers everyday survival language
  • includes a full phonics programme
  • teaches the academic and technical language learners need to access the school curriculum or subjects of interest
  • gives each learner a customised pathway of learning
  • provides a number of useful tools for learning, such as the Sentence Analyser, Sentence Visualiser and Synonym Selector
  • delivers automatic assessment and tracking
  • lets you celebrate learners’ positive results
  • provides online and real-life help

Would a Virtual School work for you?

Our Virtual Schools are aimed at groups of EAL learners who are not in school (such as groups of refugees outside of the school system).

To discuss how we could make a Virtual School work for you, please get in touch at info@axcultures.com.