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Alongside our hub schools, many other schools have taken part in the development of the Learning Village through assessing the impact on learners, piloting various features and collaborating on requirements. The following documents provides some useful insights on the impact of the Learning Village on member schools.

The Learning Village team would like to thank all the hub schools for their ongoing efforts and contribution to the growing community of Learning Village schools.

Jess Doyle

Class teacher and EAL Leads, Wellington Lions Primary Academy

I found this training very informative. It allowed me to explore all of the sections of the site which would be beneficial to the children in my school. It also gave me an insight into all the different resources that can be used when supporting language learning.

Jazmine Clark

TA, Edith Cavell Primary School

Thank you so much for providing me with so much information and knowledge on how to use this as an effective learning tool.

Boglarka Fercsi

Head of EAL, Crab Lane Primary School

[The course] exceeded my expectation. There are lots of tools now that could be used with the whole class instead of just the EALs. Thank you for your continuous hard work.

Kirk Shuttleworth

EAL Lead, Rounds Green Primary

Fantastic course as always! New ideas to take children to the next level.

Michelle Barclay

LSA, Haseltine Primary

Your training sessions are always informative and I like the way we have help while exploring new things.

Cindy Jones

EAL Teacher, Hartland International School

I really like the practical nature of the training. One can try and ask questions when you are stuck.

Lenka Bayman

EAL Coordinator, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

I have learnt about and tried some new, very useful tools. Lovely modelling, also lovely to be in breakout rooms and chat to EAL colleagues. Also very good idea to have afternoon tea. I love teaching EAL, but it can be isolated as there isn't anyone in the school to share it with.

Resham Kaur

TA, Atam Academy

In our school we have implemented many different models for the learning in different areas, i.e. reading, maths, writing spelling etc. We find that with Learning Village everything is incorporated within one place. Children will benefit from less login details to remember.

Olga Hopper

Assistant Headteacher, Ranelagh Primary School

Great training, love the extensive range of activities and extra resources available to learners and teachers, and how adaptable it is to different levels.

Fiona McCulloch

EAL Coordinator, St Edwards College Malta

An excellent resource, so many different tools that are practical and easy to use.