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Across Cultures produces regular free professional development webinars and on-demand videos on EAL, SEND and low-level literacy teaching in schools. You can access these videos for free by entering your contact details after clicking on a video.

Supporting SEND learners with reading

Watch this webinar recording to find out more about the importance of reading and how you can support your SEND and EAL learners with reading. This includes aspects such as phonics and decoding, tools, assessment, strategies and specific learner needs

Structured literacy for EAL/ESOL learners

Watch this webinar recording to find out more about the concept of structured literacy, as well as if and how we can apply it in our EAL/ESOL classrooms Please note that, while some of the information mentioned in the video references a New Zealand context, it can still be applied to education in an international context and in the UK.

Translanguaging in teaching

Watch this webinar recording to find out more about translanguaging strategies and how to use them to support your EAL learners.

Using AI with EAL Learners

Watch this webinar recording to find out more about why and how to use various AI (artificial intelligence) tools to support your EAL learners.

Supporting refugee young people in education

Watch this webinar recording to find out more about supporting refugee young people in education, including barriers to education and support ideas. Please note that, while some of the information is specific to the UK, most of it can still be applied to education in an international context.

EAL Teaching: Top tips and strategies

Watch this webinar recording to find out more about effective EAL teaching, including the top tips you need to know in order to be successful.

Introduction to EAL Assessment

Watch this webinar recording to find out more about assessment for your EAL learners.

Conquering EAL assessment at admission in international schools

Watch this webinar recording to find out how you can manage and optimise admissions procedures for your newly arrived EAL learners for international schools.

Welcoming and supporting newly arrived EAL learners

Watch this webinar recording to find out how you can welcome and support your newly arrived EAL learners.

Teaching Young Learners

Watch this short video to find out how you can support your young EAL learners.