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We’ve covered the theory, we’re enthusiastic and ready to get stuck in! However, as an early-stage teacher, we might also feel overwhelmed by the task and intimidated by the expectations. So where do we start? Initially, the question is: What do I teach? This article answers some of the questions related to language teaching. The next stage is to consider these two questions: ‘How do I teach what I teach?’ and  ‘Why do I teach the way I do?’ This blog focuses more on setting up good practices for organising your class and ensuring ongoing professional development, which leads to both increased confidence and competence.

Developing a sound foundation

EAL learners enter the classroom with a wider range of both educational and cultural backgrounds, which require a higher degree of differentiation within a lesson. As a result, spending time setting up your groups appropriately is essential. Consideration should not only be given to the overall language level of the learners, but their skills strengths and weaknesses. For example, some may need to focus on reading comprehension whilst others are so shy, they need more opportunities to speak. Small group teaching also allows for developing your relationship with the learners more easily. They participate better and are more motivated within a small group setting.

Developing good questioning techniques is a skill which enables us to promote high-level thinking and independence in our learners. Incorporating good questions into your small group teaching will heighten language awareness. Allow at least 10 seconds after asking a question for the learner to think, understand, digest and then respond in English.

Good teacher organisation leads to effective use of time and better achievement. Planning, which considers the big picture and the steps for reaching the end result, is important. There are varied methodologies for teaching language. Knowing about a range, even if it might not fit with your personal style, encourages reflection and improves best practice. Larsen-Freeman and Andersen (2013) comment that a conscious awareness of the different thought processes for language teaching that underlie our actions, causes us to challenge ourselves with, why we do what we do.

Professional development

All teachers require a growth mindset to ensure they meet the needs of their learners. “It’s not just the students who do the learning, but you do as well. You teach and you learn - and the two things are intertwined.” (Scrivener, 2013, p380) A growth mindset starts with questioning our behaviour, fundamental assumptions, values and beliefs and this allows us to reflect and respond meaningfully to different contexts.

There are a number of approaches to professional learning. Become involved in a discourse community where you can expand your knowledge and understanding of language teaching. This might include social networking or finding a mentor to bounce ideas off. Read articles to stay up to date and never let your ideas set in concrete; always question and adjust while collecting practical ideas and techniques.

Personal development usually involves collecting data. You might ask a colleague or mentor to observe your lessons looking for one particular aspect, such as how you give instructions. Give your observer a few points to look out for, for instance, the level of vocabulary, length of the instruction and so on. Alternatively, video yourself and do an analysis.

Data collection might include the effectiveness of your course design, teaching techniques, assessment and learner engagement. Gathering student voice data provides valuable formative feedback. This can be collected in a range of ways from quick snapshots from exit cards, to brief summative surveys at the end of a unit of work. Learner feedback is invaluable for reflection and future planning.

Observations, self-questioning and journaling require reflection, so write evaluation notes or keep a reflective journal. Useful questions might be: How exactly does my teaching make a positive difference? What do I do that gets in the way of my students’ learning? Always extend your reflections to how a lesson might be improved if you repeated it.

As you embark on your language teaching profession, keep in mind that continuous learning (based on reflections and feedback), leads to a rewarding and successful classroom. As Scrivener (2013) states, “Any teacher who has stopped learning themselves has probably also stopped being useful as a teacher.” And one final note, don’t forget to celebrate your successes!

Download the resource associated with this article for a set of engaging professional development activity cards.


Hockley, N. (1999). Modelling and ‘cognitive apprenticeship’ in teacher education. Access here

Larsen-Freeman, D. & Anderson, M. (2013). Techniques & Principles in Language Teaching.

Oxford University press Scrivener, J. (2013). Learning Teaching: The Essential Guide to English Language Teaching. Macmillan 3rd Edition.

Wharton, S. & Race, P. (2005). 500 tips for TESOL. RoutledgeFalmer.

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