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Next webinar: Wednesday 12th February 2025, 1pm or 4pm NZ time (30 minutes)

This webinar is an introduction to AssessEP, a robust English language proficiency assessment platform, which helps you identify your learners’ starting points in English, provides you with a quick summative spot check of their level on all four language skills (reading, listening, writing and speaking) and an alignment to other EAL continua (e.g. BELL, CEFR, etc). 

We will explain the structure of the assessment, how it is administered, how you can interpret automated results and how you can use writing and speaking performance descriptors to level your learners. 

To sign up for the session, please enter your details below or contact us directly at admin@axcultures.com and we will send you the link to join. Please make sure your contact details are correct, as we will send you an email with more details on how to access the session.

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Across Cultures
1 pm NZ time
4 pm NZ time