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Next webinar: Thursday 16th January 2025, 4pm UK time

Join us for an exciting webinar on how to integrate AI technology into your EAL (English as an Additional Language) classroom! Discover innovative tools and techniques to enhance language learning and create personalised learning experiences for your learners. Learn how AI can help you address diverse student needs, save time from planning your EAL lessons and make your teaching more innovative and effective. 

To sign up for the webinar, please enter your details below or contact us directly at info@axcultures.com. Please make sure your contact details are correct, as we will send you an email with more details on how to access the webinar.

If you are unable to attend the webinar, please get in touch directly and we will arrange a one-to-one introduction with one of our EAL Specialists for you instead.

Free to attend live webinar
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Across Cultures
4 pm UK time