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In English, there are 44 speech sounds. Creating speech sounds is a more complex process than you might think! It requires the coordination of different muscles and structures. The lips, tongue, teeth and other parts of our mouth all play an important role. Where learners have difficulties creating certain sounds, their fluency, ability to be understood and confidence in speaking aloud can all be affected.

Tip or Idea: Rather than asking them to repeat a word ‘properly’ you can present the correct pronunciation back to them in a natural way e.g. ‘look a tat’... ‘oh yes, a cat’. You can also support self-esteem by repeating back the parts of speech that you have understood and encouraging them to continue the conversation.

Free resource to help you with this activity: Use this fun vocabulary game to practise basic vocabulary and pronunciation with your learners.

Further learning - Blog

Created: Mon 14th Oct 2024

It is difficult enough to teach a classroom of new students as a substitute teacher (or relief teacher as we call them in New Zealand), but when the class contains or is composed of English Language Learners and there has been no work set, it can make a relief lesson more of a challenge.  For maximum engagement and interaction from students, games have been shown to be extremely effective (Heathfield, 2020).  Games can also be a great tool for managing new students and providing differentiated tasks.

Created: Wed 7th Feb 2024

What could be more powerful for parents than being provided with information, skills, resources and tools to support them as a family unit and educators for their children?

Educational programmes or sessions for parents to enhance their knowledge and strategies so that they can contribute to their children’s wellbeing are being offered as parent workshops by schools, community centres, libraries or other institutions with a focus on family support.

Collaborative learning activity template
Created: Mon 25th Mar 2019

This ‘Introduce Me’ activity is a fun and rewarding way to introduce a new topic, while developing language skills.

It’s ideally suited to learners of English, allowing them to hear knowledge  presented in different ways, by more than one source, in a non-threatening environment. There’s plenty of opportunity for repetition and rephrasing. This is an adaptable activity to suit any topic where you need to introduce content. This particular example is based on trading goods (see References), but a blank template is provided for you to create your own resource.