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When surrounded by nature, one experiences many positive changes, such as emotional well-being, self esteem, resilience, and health-related quality of life (Tillmann, Tobin, Avison, 2018). It was noted that:

“Nature has a significant impact on health. Previous reviews have identified the overall health effects of nature on a variety of health outcomes including physical, mental, social and cognitive health. These reviews have largely highlighted the impact of nature on adult populations, reporting positive effects…. [It was also noted that] nature does have a beneficial influence on children’s and teenagers’ mental health.”

Studies have shown that spending time in nature can improve students' attention, memory and problem-solving skills. One study found that students who spent 20 minutes walking in a forest performed better on cognitive tests than students who spent the same time walking in an urban environment.

Benefits of EAL learners' involvement in nature

EAL learners' access to nature can sometimes seem less of a priority when learners have such an overwhelming need to learn English. However, there is significant value in engaging them with nature.

Involvement in nature (perhaps by gardening, walking, learning and playing in natural environments) can provide peace and serenity in times of difficulty. EAL learners can feel significant pressure to achieve the same level as their English-proficient peers, yet being in nature can proceed a release at challenging times (perhaps when learners are becoming accustomed to their new setting).

Learning outdoors in nature can be an extension of what is happening in the classroom. Learning can be content, language or perhaps even interaction focussed. It can promote problem-solving or reflection, and many of your day-to-day classroom activities can be adapted to work well out in the natural world.

Being a friend of nature

Being a friend of nature is an important inclusion in the classroom. There are many ways that EAL learners benefit from being involved with nature, including the exploration of the outside world, and a creative use of natural resources in the classroom. However, for your learners to benefit from nature, teachers need to embrace it too. Are you offering your EAL learners positive experiences in nature?

Access your complimentary downloadable resource with ideas on how to encourage your EAL learners to be friends of nature, by clicking on the buttons at the top and bottom of this article.



Tillmann S, Tobin D, Avison W, et al Mental health benefits of interactions with nature in children and teenagers: a systematic review J Epidemiol Community Health 2018;72:958-966. (

White, M. P., Alcock, I., Wheeler, B. W., Depledge, M. H., & Fleming, L. E. (2019). Spending time in nature is associated with reduced stress: A systematic review. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(6), 3294-3303.

Further learning - Blog

Lea Forest logo
Created: Mon 18th Nov 2019

In September 2015, Lea Forest Academy took on an additional class of 16 Year 2 newly arrived EAL children. Eight of these children had never been schooled, while eight had had some schooling experience in their home country. The school had no specific EAL provision in place or trained staff.

What did they do?
Where did they start?

Created: Thu 6th Aug 2015

On the last day of term I asked a student, who was leaving her school in London to return back to Italy, the best and worst things about moving. She said the worst thing was leaving friends and teachers and the best was going back to her old school to be with her old friends.

Created: Tue 2nd Feb 2016

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