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For some learners, including those with SEND, the thought of a writing lesson can be daunting and unappealing. However, by finding creative ways to engage and 'hook' your learners, they will be more likely to feel motivated and engaged.

Tip or Idea: Start your lessons in an unusual or exciting way! Set up a scene or have props that give clues to a character or event, play an engaging video or audio clip or perhaps transform your classroom into a courtroom for a debate...

Our Hook in your EAL learners at the start of a writing lesson article is full of ideas for different ways to engage your learners in a range of writing tasks and comes with a helpful writing resource.

Further learning - Blog

Created: Wed 31st Jul 2024

Non-verbal communication such as body language, facial expressions and tone of voice convey information beyond words alone. It is an integral part of communication, building relationships and developing shared understanding. For some learners interpreting non-verbal communication is not always simple.

Tip or Idea: Understanding non-verbal communication can depend on many factors including cultural norms, situational context and the unique combination of words, actions and expressions used. Try to put communication in context and focus on more than simply the words used.

Created: Mon 9th Oct 2017

While it can be argued that EAL learners have an entitlement to experience a full and varied curriculum through complete class immersion and no withdrawal, some would argue that learners benefit from being withdrawn for time limited support to help them develop their English language in order to assist them in accessing the curriculum (NALDIC, FAQ Podcast, 2017).

If learners are unable to access the lesson content, they can feel frustrated and a sense of failure. Learners need to feel confident and successful.

Felt pens
Created: Tue 19th Jun 2018

Marking and feedback is a crucial part of any teacher’s workload, and is essential for EAL learners. The importance of good-quality marking and feedback has been evidenced by many academic professionals, notably William & Black (1998) and, more recently, William (2018) and Hattie (2012). Hattie discusses the idea of rigorous approaches to marking and feedback, stating that through assessing learners, teachers themselves learn about their own impact: “As a professional, it is critical to know they impact.