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For some learners, including those with SEND, the thought of a writing lesson can be daunting and unappealing. However, by finding creative ways to engage and 'hook' your learners, they will be more likely to feel motivated and engaged.

Tip or Idea: Start your lessons in an unusual or exciting way! Set up a scene or have props that give clues to a character or event, play an engaging video or audio clip or perhaps transform your classroom into a courtroom for a debate...

Our Hook in your EAL learners at the start of a writing lesson article is full of ideas for different ways to engage your learners in a range of writing tasks and comes with a helpful writing resource.

Further learning - Blog

Created: Mon 27th Nov 2023

Learners with speech and language difficulties may find it difficult to remember words or think or the word they want to use when they are talking. 

Tip or Idea: Think of a category such as ‘animals’ or ‘things in a kitchen’ and then see how many words you can name. Each time you think of a word place a Lego piece on top of another and see how tall a tower you can build! 

human and AI hand touching
Created: Wed 4th Dec 2024

Using AI (Artificial Intelligence) for creating EAL lesson plans

With EAL learners making up a diverse group with varying English proficiency levels and needs, differentiating class content for EAL learners can be challenging and time-consuming for teachers. However, utilising Artificial Intelligence tools as a time-saving resource for EAL planning can help us adopt more tailored approaches to teaching in almost no time. Let’s explore some of the ways in which AI can help us save time on a busy school day.

SEND learner describing with adjectives
Created: Tue 13th Aug 2024

Being able to understand and use a range of adjectives can help learners to communicate successfully. Adjectives are essential for adding information or interest to their spoken or written language. They also enable learners to differentiate between items.